Smaller containers, less than 50ml (vials, conical, series vials, or chemical bottles) can be collected in a 1-gallon clear zip lock bag together for disposal through the hazardous waste program. These must be the same physical state and hazard class.
- Tag must be adhered to a clear 1-gallon plastic bag
- Container Size: List the total amount of material in the bag as the container size. Do not list the individual containers or the 1-gallon bag size. (e.g., 10 x 20 ml = 200 ml)
- Physical State: all container must be the same physical state (all solid or all liquid)
- Chemical Constituents: list all chemicals in bag and corresponding percentages as it related to the total amount of bag not individual containers.
- e.g. a bag with a container of 5 ml of Methanol 15 ml Ethanol = Label list 25% Methanol and 75% Ethanol
- We recommend grouping bottles by the same chemical (i.e all 10 vials are Tretinoin, Powder)
For more information in how to generate a waste tag visit: How to Prepare and Store Hazardous Waste