Working safely during the COVID -19 Pandemic
The health and safety of the entire Bruin community is our number one concern. Those who are at increased risk for severe COVID-19 (as defined by CDC) can request an accommodation from UCLA Employee Disability Management Services. Where possible, flexible accommodations should be considered for team members who do not feel safe returning, or who cannot yet return, to campus or field activities.
In alignment with Cal/OSHA Title 8 CCR 3205 and Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACDPH) protocols, all campus departments that plan to increase on-site activities between now and fall quarter must submit a COVID-19 resumption plan to UCLA Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S). Please refer to the UCLA Safer Return to Work During COVID-19/COVID-19 Prevention Program (PDF) and UCLA COVID-19 Resumption of On-Site Activities Plan Review Process (PDF) for more information.
UCLA COVID-19 standards for safety in the workplace must be rigorously and equitably maintained, in alignment with Cal/OSHA, CDPH/LACDPH, and other state and federal requirements. All personnel must have sufficient access to personal protective equipment (PPE) specific to their regular work hazards and must adhere to UCLA COVID-19 protocols to reduce the spread of COVID-19. If the required PPE or supplies are not available, activities may be halted until the required supplies are obtained to ensure the work can be performed safely.