New masking requirements for UCLA students, faculty and staff
- All students are now required to wear upgraded masks, such as well-fitting medical-grade masks, surgical masks, KN95s or National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health-approved respirators such as an N95, in all areas where masking is required on UCLA property.
- Upgraded masks for students will be available free of charge starting Jan. 19 at various campus locations
Faculty & Staff
- All UCLA faculty and staff are now required to wear upgraded masks — such as well-fitting medical-grade masks, surgical masks, KN95s or National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health-approved respirators such as an N95, indoors at the workplace at all times.
- Departments are required to provide these upgraded masks to all faculty and staff working on site free of charge.
- Departments should promptly order upgraded masks at no cost from the UCLA Emergency PPE Store and make them available to their faculty and staff.
Visitors to UCLA
- Visitors are strongly encouraged to wear upgraded masks when on UCLA properties and must adhere to the masking protocols outlined in the LACDPH Health Officer Order (PDF).
For more information, visit: Updated masking, isolation and quarantine protocols for UCLA