The Medical Health Questionnaire (MHQ) has been updated and can be found here: https://mhq.healthsciences.ucla.edu/
The MHQ is an annual requirement for all personnel that are involved in animal research activities including animal care, access to vivarium spaces, handling animal tissues, sponsors of animal research and those that support animal research. The MHQ is reviewed by Occupational Health Services (OHS) and the Arthur Ashe Student Health & Wellness Center (Ashe). These medical professionals will ensure proper medical surveillance based on risk and medical history.
Please contact AnimalResearchSafety@ehs.ucla.edu with any questions regarding the MHQ process.
For other specific MHQ questions:
- Students: asheimmune@ashe.ucla.edu
- Faculty & Staff: occupationalhealth@mednet.ucla.edu
- Technical: mhqsupport@mednet.ucla.edu