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Radiation Safety @ EH&S


Radiation Symbol on lab window

What Radiation Safety Does

The Radiation Safety Division (RSD) at UCLA EH&S is the operational arm of the Radiation Safety Committee which is a regulatory required body consisting of faculty, clinicians, researchers, and subject matter experts in the field of radiation use. The RSC is authorized by the Chancellor to manage the radiation protection program and oversee the safe use of radioactive materials and radiation-producing machines in clinical, research, and academic settings at UCLA.

Meet the Staff

Radiation Safety Officer
Robert Acha - PhD, CHP (RSO)
Bryan Ruiz - CHP (Alternate RSO)

Mary Rosenbluth - Associate Radiation Safety Officer

Matt Damron - Laser Safety Officer

Health Physicists
Arnold Eleazar
Jonathan Lajcaj 
Clint Laham

Principal Radiation Technicians
Claude LeCesne

Senior Radiation Technicians
Fariba Tabibian

Radiation Safety General Line - (310) 794-1709

Radiation Safety Inbox -

Radiation Protection Program

As required by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission & the California Department of Public Health Radiologic Health Branch, UCLA is required to use, to the extent practical, procedures and engineering controls based upon sound radiation protection principles to achieve occupational doses and doses to members of the public that are as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA).