Lab Cleanouts should be conducted when:
- The lab is being closed down (prior to shut down)
- The lab is moving (prior to move)
Important Note:
The associated department is ultimately responsible for cleaning out a lab, so be kind to your department and schedule your cleanouts before you move away. This will save them many unnecessary costs.Memo: PI responsibility for lab cleanout
Steps to Take
Laboratory Moves and Close-Outs at UCLA
Start bringing your chemicals (labeled with a WASTe Tag) for disposal to your building's routine waste scheduled pick-ups.
- This is a free of charge with the exception to highly specialized items like "unknown chemicals".
- Unknown chemicals- are very costly to dispose of ($75/ container). Be sure that the contents of all chemical containers are known.
- Peroxide-forming chemicals- may incur a charge of $100 per container if disposed past expiration
- EH&S provides scheduled pick-up to collect routine waste as a core service to research labs at no cost.
- We will process up to 30 chemicals at a time. If you bring more than 30 containers and other customers are waiting will process your 30 items and then ask you to wait for us to process other customers. If time permits we will return to processing your chemicals for as long as our window of time permits.
If you need chemicals removed from your laboratory space we can arrange for an approved vendor to provide a quote to you or your department.
Please completed the from below to request us to coordinate this service.
Hazardous Waste Services Special Request- Lab Chemical Clean-out
A direct clean out from a lab is not a core services, quotes can be provided upon request.
EH&S has to coordinate the service as it requires manifesting of materials and recorder keeping of all materials generated by UCLA from generation to final disposition. Failure to comply with this can cause fines and can stop our campus ability to dispose of hazardous materials.
For any questions or concerns email: