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Dry Waste including (Contaminated Materials)

There are two types of dry chemical waste:

  1. Solid chemical waste- (solids chemicals in bottles)
  2. Dry bulked waste- These are dry materials that have been contaminated with hazardous chemicals. You should never combine solid chemical waste containers in with your dry bulk waste. 

Examples for dry bulked waste include:

  • Contaminated labware
  • Ethidium bromide or acrylamide gels
  • Dried chemicals that are in scrapable amounts on various surfaces
  • Extremely hazardous waste empty containers or debris that are contaminated with extremely hazardous substances

Contaminated labware includes saturated or scrapable amounts of chemicals on items such as:

  • Plastic labware
  • Kimwipes
  • Towels
  • Pipette tips
  • Gloves
  • Containers less than five gallons that are contaminated with chemicals that cannot be easily removed
  • Clean-up debris from a spill

    Dry waste should have no liquids, needles or other sharps, or chemical bottles mixed in.

How to store your dry bulked waste?

  • Double-bagged using transparent 4 mil plastic bags
  • Chemically compatible- LDPE or PP  do not use ziploc food grade bags.
  • Sealed closed- taped, tied, or sealed closed
  • Have no sharp or protruding edges-  this is for our safety too
  • Contains no liquids 
  • appropriate size- do not tape together multiple bags
  • Do not add containers with solid chemical waste they need their own WASTe tags

How to prepare your Hazardous Waste