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What is a Controlled Substance Use Authorization?

Controlled Substance Use Authorization (CSUA) is the authorization granted by the Controlled Substance Program (CSP) to researchers to work with controlled substances under a department DEA registration.

The CSUA is only granted for bona fide needs to handle, use, or access controlled substances and for research purposes. 

The Controlled Substances Program Officer has this authority over CSUA to help assure maintenance of the institutional research registrations for UCLA.

The Principal Investigator (PI) is responsible for ensuring that all staff and students using controlled substances in conjunction with their research are listed in the PI’s CSUA and will comply with associated federal regulations, university polices, and training.

Researchers must obtain a CSUA prior to the use, purchase or transport of controlled substances at UCLA campus. PIs are responsible for informing the Controlled Substance Program (CSP) of any updates their CSUA.

Do not wait until you are planning to start your experiment to request your CSUA, if you are preparing a protocol or have an approved protocol submit your CSUA application. Indicate all controlled substances you potential can use as part of your CSUA application submission. 

CSUA Submission Requirements:

All items below must be completed before submission to DEA for final approval. The DEA review and approval can take up to 8-12 weeks getting all the required items to us as quickly as possible is important. 

  1. CSUA Application- for the primary PI listed on the protocols
  2. Principal Investigator's CV or Bio Sketch
  3. Personnel Screening Data Sheets for each authorized user that has access to the storage location. If you will be using DLAM services to administer material, they are an authorized personnel under your use authorization (CSUA). Please inform us so we can provide PSDS for you to sign. 
  4. Additional supportive documents will be requested by the CSP
  5. Storage Location - varies depending on schedule, volume stored and other security provisions
  6. Training in WORKSAFE- "Controlled Substances Training" and "Maintaining Your Controlled Substances Inventory"

The CSP will assign a CSUA ID number. The CSUA ID number is the unique identifier that is used on all documents and communications.

It is critical that CSUA are up to date, this can affect your ability to acquire the material you need for your research. All CSUA updates and modifications are submitted to the DEA for approval.

For more information and how to submit an update visit our information page: 

Biennial Inventory and Annual Renewal

The Controlled Substance Program (CSP)  does not manage DEA Registrations for Schedule 1 Controlled Substances. Researcher must individually obtain a Schedule I DEA registration under their name. The CSP can provide guidance and support through this process. 

For more information visit our information page:

 Individual DEA Registrations