COVID-19 Service Update
ATTENTION: In conjunction with the Cal/OSHA and LACDPH Health Officer Order, Research Safety is gradually resuming on-site services, and is available to assist remotely via individual staff phone numbers, emails, and Zoom conferencing. The EH&S phone line at (310) 825-9797 should be used for voicemail only.
Please visit the following resource page for COVID-19 Return to Work on Campus information.
Chemical Safety

The Chemical Safety team at EH&S is comprised of specialists from various scientific backgrounds providing support to labs for compliance with campus policies and safety regulations.
- About Chemical SafetyGetting Started at UCLA
- Laboratory Training
- Chemical Safety Visits
- Lab Safety Documents & Forms
- Chemical Storage & Handling
- Fume Hoods
- Hazardous Waste
Biosafety & High Containment

Biosafety is a team of experts with varied backgrounds in the biological sciences that focuses on preventing personal, laboratory and environmental exposure to biohazardous materials.
- About Biosafety
- Biosafety Training
- Biosafety Site Visits
- Biosafety Documents & Forms
- Medical Waste
- About High Containment
Laser & Photobiological Safety

Formerly known as Laser Safety. The LPS program reviews the potential Health Hazards posed by exposure to coherent and noncoherent photon emitting devices and the safe use of these devices.
- About Laser & Photobiological Safety
- Laser & Photobiological Training
- Laser & Photobiological Inspections
- Laser & Photobiological Documents
Radiation Safety

The Radiation Safety Division (RSD) at UCLA EH&S is the operational arm of the Radiation Safety Committee which is a regulatory required body consisting of faculty, clinicians, researchers, and subject matter experts in the field of radiation use.